Saturday, 28 January 2017

A slower day

Wed. 25/1/17

The human woke up with a headache. She's just started to take Feverfew to stave off headaches but they are in a tub that's very similar to Barnaby's joint care supplements. Must not get them mixed up.
We went to the dog park anyway and had a good play before a visit to see the human's mum. We stayed for a while and had lunch but Barnaby was a little bit stressed being a stranger's home. He had met the mum before but only briefly.

Then we went to the local Cricket ground, where Barnaby met two very tiny, but very loud Chihuahuas in very smart knitted cardigans. It was cold though so Barnaby soon decided to go back to the car so he could snuggle on the sofa at home.

Then a late night walk to try out the glowy things to make a black dog and a human dressed in black visible to cars.

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