Saturday, 28 January 2017

A visitor

Friday 27/1/17

Barnaby had two visits to the dog park today. So many exciting things to sniff and new dogs to get to know. All the humans think he is fantastic. His head is starting to swell.

Then the human's mum came to visit and sat on the sofa patting Barnaby for over an hour. They need to get on well as she will be looking after Barnaby when the human goes to see Black Sabbath on Sunday.


Thurs 26/1/17

We popped into the vet's office today and met four of the nurses there while we registered him. They loved him but there was cat in the reception area that didn't appreciate being sniffed and swatted poor Barnaby on the nose!

Barnaby loves his hippo toy.

And sleep!

A slower day

Wed. 25/1/17

The human woke up with a headache. She's just started to take Feverfew to stave off headaches but they are in a tub that's very similar to Barnaby's joint care supplements. Must not get them mixed up.
We went to the dog park anyway and had a good play before a visit to see the human's mum. We stayed for a while and had lunch but Barnaby was a little bit stressed being a stranger's home. He had met the mum before but only briefly.

Then we went to the local Cricket ground, where Barnaby met two very tiny, but very loud Chihuahuas in very smart knitted cardigans. It was cold though so Barnaby soon decided to go back to the car so he could snuggle on the sofa at home.

Then a late night walk to try out the glowy things to make a black dog and a human dressed in black visible to cars.

Friday, 27 January 2017

We may have a routine in place


It seems to be :

Up at 7, breakfast for him. Chill out, breakfast for me at 8, then chores.

Out at 9 to the dog park and home around 11.

Lunch for me betweeen 12 and 1, More chilling and chores.

Out again between 3 and sunset then dinner for him at 6 and for me around 7.

More relaxing or playing, then walkies at 10 and bed after Newsnight... and the same for weekends.

I've never had such a structured plan for my time!! We will see if the schedule sticks!  

We visited the vet office on Tuesday just to get Barnaby comfortable there, he charmed the nurse of course! Then in the afternoon. we visited Hounslow Heath again - pretty isn't it?

Thursday, 26 January 2017

Settling in


Barnaby is lucky to have a person who doesn't have to go out to work, so Monday was another trip to the dog park to play with the new friends, and meet a couple more new ones. 

Barnaby gets on really well with all the dogs and is totally unfazed by the ones that shout, and he loves to run around with the ones that want to play.

In the afternoon he got to see a sunset and aeroplanes at Hounslow Heath; proving you don't have to live in the midst of the wilderness to get green and pleasant vistas.


Wednesday, 25 January 2017


January 21st 2017 is the day Bumble left Dogs Trust, Harefield and came home as Barnaby the sofa lump.